Archive by Author | zoesoteria

Making a Pong- but not a smelly one! :-D

Oh how immature of me! Hehe. Right, I’ve continued working on my Pong game today and have added a “score board” and programmed it so that the ball and bat speed up when they hit each other, which leads to some funny results as they whizz round the screen!

Making a Pong- but not a smelly one! :-D

Today’s Class

Today we had an intersting class. We played a game, in pairs, where we had to guide our partner (blindfolded) to an interesting architectural feature of a street and show it to them and vice versa. This was used to shoot some footage which we uploaded to YouTube.The game was fun but a bit unnerving having to trust another person as your eyes.

We continued looking at social networking and the ways in which the Black-E can use them to market themselves.

First day

Hi all! It was nice meeting you. 🙂 I like Prezi- I’m thinking of converting my laptop to Linux- Windows is slow and virus prone so who knows? Star Logo was interesting but it’ll take some getting used to and the games were fun!